
6 Benefits of Manufacturing Automation

6 Benefits of Manufacturing Automation

August 26th, 2019

Robotics, automation, and systems engineering are paving the way towards the future of business and manufacturing. While some of the largest industries in the world like automobile manufacturing and food production have utilized automation to increase their production output for decades, today automation has reached advanced new levels where it can assist in any business, field, or industry. Here are just six of the universal benefits of manufacturing automation:

  1. Safer Workplaces As it should always be, safety first! Manufacturing automation has drastically helped remove the need for workers to physically enter or interact with dangerous equipment, in turn saving countless lives, preventing unnecessary injuries, and reducing workman’s comp claims. A safer workplace fosters productivity, helps employees feel valued, and increases your business’ overall efficiency.

  2. Increase Labor Productivity A major concern about manufacturing automation is the field’s potential to remove the need for manual labor. What people don’t often realize, however, is that a majority of automated systems are highly advanced tools designed to work side-by-side with human workers. The assistance provided by properly engineered and thoroughly calculated automation systems can help businesses and their employees maximize their proficiency, making their daily jobs safer and more productive than ever!

  3. Reduce Time-Consuming Tasks There’s always that one awful shop task that needs to be done, but no one in the crew is the first to raise their hand. You know the one! Maybe it’s a bulk order with a short deadline, so someone has to spend the whole week hitting a few buttons and swapping out parts. You might even rotate in shifts to spread the monotony of the job around. While jobs like these are necessary, they can often pull employees from other work, slowing other important projects down by a few days. Thanks to automation, though, some well-invested capital can save time and money lost on reorganizing your team to tackle redundant and time-consuming tasks. Your employees will be grateful, too!

  4. Achieve the Impossible! Let’s face it, while we are a very accomplished society, there are still limitations on what we as humans can do both physically and mentally. Today’s complex automation systems incorporate numerical controlled systems and integrated circuit fabrications that have special requirements to achieve accuracy and geometry specs that just can’t be done by the human mind alone… at least not yet!

  5. Product Quality and Delivery Automation helps manufacturers provide customers with consistently higher quality for each piece of product that exits their facility, all within designated timeframes. By following the same process on every item, each final product leaves with the same high quality as all others that leaves the assembly line. This helps your business reach your customers’ demands for both speed and quality!

  6. Stay Ahead Of Your Competition If the reasons above haven’t convinced you about the benefits of automation, then this one should. You can bet your competition is utilizing automation to maximize their productivity. But you don’t need to drop ten million bucks on new automation tomorrow to achieve results. Automation excels in the way it can be designed to conform to your current setup, allowing for modifications as your productivity begins to increase and you find success. If you don’t figure out a way to use automation as a tool for your business, your competition will!

These are just a few of the benefits businesses receive by enlisting robotics, automation, and system engineering. YSG Automation is an expert in providing these benefits and more by customizing manufacturing automation systems to help our customers reach their production goals. Reach out to us today to learn how our systems can push the boundaries of your business!

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